• Share about TikTok Boom and what you learned from the film with your networks using the hashtag #TikTokBoomImpact Host a screening of TikTok Boom with Women Make Movies

  • Tune in and Stream TikTok Boom October 24th on PBS

  • Share about TikTok Boom and what you learned from the film with your networks using the hashtag #TikTokBoomImpact

  • Host a screening of TikTok Boom with Women Make Movies

  • Host an IG Live or virtual panel discussion about the issues explored in TikTok Boom using the hashtag #TikTokBoomImpact


Gen Z For Change

https://genzforchange.org/about/ - nonprofit organization leveraging social media to promote civil discourse and political action among our generation. Partnering with influencers, activists, and celebrities, we produce multimedia content on a variety of topics including COVID-19, climate change, systemic inequity, foreign policy, voting rights, and LGBTQIA+ issues.

Log Off movement

https://www.logoffmovement.org/ - non-profit org dedicated to lowering social media's impact on mental health while teaching teenage users and their parents about how to navigate the vast inner -workings of life on social media.


https://www.article19.org/ - ARTICLE 19 works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination. We do this by working on two interlocking freedoms: the Freedom to Speak, and the Freedom to Know. When either of these freedoms come under threat, ARTICLE 19 speaks with one voice.

Institute for Ethical AI
& Machine Learning:

https://ethical.institute/ - research center that carries out highly-technical research into processes and frameworks that support the responsible development, deployment and operation of machine learning systems.

Access Now


- defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the world. By combining direct technical support, comprehensive policy engagement, global advocacy, grassroots grantmaking, and convenings such as RightsCon, Access Now fights for human rights in the digital age


- Lighthouse3 helps organizations successfully navigate the disruptive waves of new technologies and helps clients connect the dots between theory of technology solutions and reality of implementing them responsibly on a global scale.


https://algorithmwatch.org/en/ - non-profit research and advocacy organization to evaluate and shed light on algorithmic decision making processes that have a social relevance, meaning they are used either to predict or prescribe human action or to make decisions automatically. Also keeps a shared inventory of AI related principles.

Institute for Ethical AI & Machine Learning

Institute for Ethical AI & Machine Learning: research centre that carries out highly-technical research into processes and frameworks that support the responsible development, deployment and operation of machine learning systems.


https://www.witness.org/ - makes it possible for anyone, anywhere to use video and technology to protect and defend human rights.

All Tech Is Human

https://alltechishuman.org/ - All Tech Is Human is committed to building the Responsible Tech pipeline; making it more diverse, multidisciplinary, and aligned with the public interest.

Algorithmic Justice League

https://www.ajl.org - Algorithmic Justice League (AJL) combines art and research to illuminate the social implications and harms of AI.

American Civil Liberties Union

https://www.aclu.org/issues/privacy-technology- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) works on the issue of privacy and technology to ensure that civil liberties are enhanced rather than compromised by technological innovation.

Big Brother Watch

https://bigbrotherwatch.org.uk - Big Brother Watch UK is an independent civil liberties group fighting to reclaim privacy and defend freedoms during a time of technological change.

Color of Change

http://colorofchange.org - Color of Change is an online racial justice organization that helps people respond effectively to injustice in the world, including hate speech online.

Data for Black Lives

http://d4bl.org - Data for Black Lives is a movement of activists and mathematicians using data science to create change in the lives of Black people.

Electronic Frontier Foundation

https://www.eff.org/pages/ face-recognition - the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world.

Our Data Bodies

https://www.odbproject.org - Our Data Bodies is a human rights and data justice organization.

Consumer Reports

https://www.consumerreports.org/ - How TikTok Tracks You Across the Web, Even If You Don’t Use the App

Permission Slip

https://www.permissionslipcr.com/ - One app to take back control of your data

Half The Story

https://www.halfthestoryproject.com/ - We work with educational institutions, State and Federal governments, and fortune 500 companies to create new standards for our future.